Microsoft Believes its Mobile Store Will be Beneficial for the Industry

Microsoft has been asked for background information by the CMA, which is now looking into the $68.7 billion Activision Blizzard deal. Microsoft claims that a key driving factor for the acquisition was to expand its mobile gaming footprint. It appears that it has intentions for this area, including the development of an Xbox mobile game shop and platform. The corporation states the following in its filings: In addition to hardware, a lot of money is at risk here. The most downloaded apps on mobile devices are games, which also fuel in-app purchases on app stores. Take a look at how the business presents the opportunity: The CMA has, however, hardly addressed the possibility of Microsoft entering the mobile gaming sector as part of its probe and is instead primarily concentrating on console gaming, which Microsoft contends is a shrinking portion of the total business. It is now the unfortunate responsibility of the CMA and other regulators to sort through these disputes between Sony and Microsoft and determine just how this acquisition could hurt consumers or the competition. Microsoft will need to court third-party developers if it intends to make advances, as creating a viable alternative to the Google Play Store or App Store would be extremely difficult. Microsoft still aims to complete the Activision transaction by the spring of 2023, but there’s a strong possibility we’ll face months of skirmishes along the way – as well as the potential to learn uncommon details about the game industry’s hidden goals, as with these mobile plans. Source: The Verge