Popular Addons in The Diamond Kodi build – Deathstar, The Magic Dragon, Sportsdevil, Monster Munch, Movie Theater Butter, The Kratos, Wolfpack, YouTube and many more.
Categories in The Diamond Kodi build – Movies, TV Shows, IPTV, Music, Sports, Kung Fu, Urban, Set/Add, and Favorites.
How to install The Diamond Kodi Build?#
Enabling unknown source feature on Kodi is very important to download the build from third party sources. To enable that feature, go to Settings -> System -> Addons -> Unknown Source -> Turn On.
#1: Click the settings icon on the home screen.
#2: On the settings page, select File Manager.
#3: Double-click Add source menu.
#4: Click .
#5: Enter source URL (http://repo.rubyjewelwizard.com/) and click OK.
#6: Enter a name for your source and click OK.
#7: Get back to the home screen of Kodi and click Addons.
#8: Click the module icon located on the menu bar.
#9: Select Install from Zip file.
#10: Select the source that you added before.
#11: Under the source, select the folder named as INSTALL_DIAMOND_REPO.
#12: Now, click the zip file which named as repository.Diamond-Wizard-Repo-1.0.0.zip (the version number may vary).
#13: Within a few minutes, the diamond wizard repo will be installed on your Kodi.
#14: After installing the repo, select Install from repository.
#15: Select the diamond wizard repo that you installed.
#16: Select Program addons.
#18: Select Install to download the wizard.
#19: After installing the wizard, a bunch of pop-ups will appear on the screen. Select Dismiss -> Continue ->Ignore.
#20: Get back to the home screen and launch the diamond wizard that you installed.
#21: Click Builds menu located at the top left corner of the screen.
#22: Select The Diamond Build for K-18L -> Fresh Install.
#23: Click Yes to continue.
#24: The build will start to download on your Kodi.
#25: After downloading the build, the installation process will start automatically.
#26: After installation, Force Close and restart the Kodi app to use The Diamond Build.
Final Thoughts#
The Diamond Build or Diamond Dust build is a solid build that you can install to stream popular on-demand media contents. Unfortunately, it doesn’t host any media for kids. But, it delivers special and unique contents that you can’t find on any other builds.
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